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Week 6: Impression of NYC

After I reviewed what we learned from last six weeks, I started to think about the concept for this week’s assignment. I always want to make something about memory, I think sand is a good symbol of time backward and memory. When combine sand and memory, I thought about sand painting.

"NYC Skyline - Sand" original painting by Yvoni Sobota

Impression always help to make our memories. When you stay in a place or stay with someone for a long time, you will have deeper impression on that place or to that person. It inspired me to make this project. It is like the story between me and New York City. When I came to New York and travel here, I had less impression on this city because I did not have enough time stay here. When I started to live here, I have more time to observed this city, it made me have deeper impression on this city. 

I load the picture of NYC and made it shows its’ pixel which is looks like sand drawing. To make the idea of detect the distance between camera and the person, I asked my friend to teach me how to use posenet in ml5.

When you get closer to the screen, it will start to draw the picture, and when you get far away, it will stop drawing. More closer to the screen, you get more details on the picture. You can also click on the screen to get a screen shot of your impression of NYC.
Nothing happen when you are too far away from the camera
Sand starts to come up when you getting closer to the camera
When you get closer to the camera for a while it will shows the complete image
Click to save the image
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