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Assignment 3: Storyboard

Base on the interview, some people mention they had a hobby to go to the park when they want to stay away from their work. And from the secondary research I did, nature could help to relieve stress. So I thought about three kind of nature: Plant Garden, Zoo, and Aquarium. From these three nature environments, people could see and interact with nature they chose. 

Three Theme.png

The plant or animal will hide in a random place in their house, people will need to find them when they open the game. They could talk to them to tell their stress, more time they talk, the play could get more energy and make them grow up. It could also sing songs for people.

Find your plant.png
Get Energy.png

For the social part, people could add friends, and feed their friends’s plant or animal, or give friends surprise. 


Surprise friends.png

The unique of the game is the plant and the animals are living as a human, which could give people more chance to communicate and interact. 

The idea came from Plant absorb carbon dioxide and it released oxygen, to make people feel relax and fresh. In my idea, plants absord people's negative thoughts just like absorbing carbon dioxide and released music like released oxygen to help people feel relax.  (It base on the secondary research, music could help to relieve stress)

It could also put a surprise in a friends house (base on the interview, people need surprise)

Adding friends, Reduce social distance, and reduce isolate feelings. 

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